Our Focus

Improving Wellbeing
Pasefika people are below the national average across all wellbeing domains. In many areas, such as health, housing and incomes, the differences are stark.
We are focusing on those wellbeing domains that are important to deliver on our vision of thriving, resilient and prosperous Pasefika communities – housing, incomes, skills, health, communities and connections, and security and safety.
There is a strong correlation between many of these wellbeing domains. Taking a focused approach we can target those areas that will have the greatest impact on wellbeing across the relevant domains.
Our goal or desired outcome, is for relevant wellbeing measures for Pasefika to be the same as the general population in the Wellington region.

Addressing inequities
It is wrong that, in a first world country, a group of people accounting for almost a 10% of the population is so much worse off. Even more concerning is that this inequity does not appear to be closing; and is instead being exacerbated by the current economic conditions.
Only by focusing on addressing the inequity will we see improvement in wellbeing. Incremental improvements in wellbeing will not address inequality if we are not keeping pace with the rest of the population.

Building capacity and capability
Pasefika people look to each other for support. With over 43,000 people, the Wellington region has Aotearoa’s second largest concentration of Pasefika people. This provides the scale and opportunity for a regional, community-driven approach.
However, for Pasefika people to deliver for ourselves, we need to build capacity and capability. This is where CPC can provide support, but also encourage and enable our businesses, our organisations, and our people.
Our point of difference is that we are community-led, which means our solutions are what our people actually want and need.
Our organisation is unashamedly Pasefika. Our solutions will be developed and implemented by our own people – “by Pasefika for Pasefika”.
We can build capability and capacity through our approach of focusing, supporting and leveraging the efforts of existing organisations.